This herbal powder is safe to consume and you don't need to stress about it. Citrus pectin contains natural polyphenols that protect your mitochondria from free radicals and other pollutants. The Ikaria Lean Belly Juice is available in powder form so it can be easily mixed with your favorite smoothies or juices. It is a great weight loss product that targets the root cause of weight gain. This weight loss supplement improves digestion, hence, cleanses your essential body parts like the liver and kidneys, contributing to your metabolism system in a major way. Amazing results can be achieved within three to six weeks of consumption. The body's ability of burning fat is affected by the uric acids, making it more difficult for people to lose weight. This makes it special. If you are ordering from the US and if you are buying more than a bottle you would get free shipping. Ikaria's Lean Belly Juice has only natural components that will help you lose weight. Obesity has been linked to high levels of uric acids. When stubborn belly fat becomes more common, it can be difficult to lower your uric levels. For example, if a morning bowl of oatmeal is consumed, you want your body to absorb as much fiber possible. Ikaria Lemon Belly Juice is made from African mango extract, fucoxanthin ECGC, Bioperine, hibiscus and strawberry extract. It has all-natural ingredients and has been clinically proven to help remove stubborn fat from your body.